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Tres Sexy Teen Blonde Nue


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Tres Sexy Teen Blonde Nue

" : I- i i i fjvnii'- 1 jfu 11llHUV-NINTIi YI'AI!. ' NEW YOKK, SATlflll) A Y, JANUARY 20, 1872. PRICK TWO CKNTS. J II, Till; SKYKNTTSCIIAHTKK.1 1 lift- vr " r.i.i i n:i ox rm:mm" or a run. .sum."tl.ivnr to lie lltr Until nl I'vriy llcimrl.ntrnl llipnrliiirnl ol Fiilillr fnli'lv InInclude Ibr Pollen I'lici Itilllillim. millllrutili Ili'Ptirliiirlil.The I .mii.iUii-o of Scvontt, nt a protrncleilPM'itin n loom, lut night, Inilly adoptedIh, ,ir,'i i it ii-w rliartr for thl blty, as preparedI,, li. . ii. ( .mnniilrr on Legislation, in J authorml thu -nl' l nmnllteo to present the time la Ihol,'itlalur . and urge Its adoption by that bodvilli all th Intliicnceor Ihi mm' 0 uitnitlte.3'nn propose I charter l net initerlillr differentIrom dta'i heretofore printed, though perioclloitof .Mai ..It ' It a somewhat changed aspect. Thofollow I in ate It' limit feature :Antn.i.i 1 Contiutirs tin preaunt eorparallon o'the Mayoy. A'.dcrm 'n, and CouimonMty uf cityof Now York.Am. -Trent ofi.ini't. uur. rowm.810 3 creates a Hoard nl IS Aldermen, onr.flflliOf whom sr m . elected In each Sttnle dlttrlct.Hie. .Irrotldcs toritho flrt Alder.nanlc electionon Ihe .fnn I Tuesday of Arrll next, an.l annusllrthereafter on the samp date, ta hold oBleo for oneyear, coii.inonrlng nltli the Ural Mondat 01 the May(ollowin : th'' election.Sir I r i.tilit tlir cimnla' 1011 ay I'fni of votingfor Alderman, hereti'ire explained, and oTrerlhow the rtint.-.aa thall bo rondiictml. In laio of avtctney ur vacancies atislng by rutson ol loathin nlni' pi-raon being voted for lu any Senate dlsIrict. the tscsticy or vacancies (ball remain unfilledfor the en-iiing year. In cnae of a lie between twoor mori nndldata. causing Ice than trio full numhr of tune lo be elected, 1'icte who ale electedhave powei to select by lot, from among those tied,enough p f aon to complete the full numt or ol nine.Candidates 1 ''.'it i.ot be 01 the district IrouiHhlcn tli I air i-lecled.8i ' In c ','ii vacnec" bv drain or resignstlon inn mil tig 11 all t" one tcurlli of the entireLoud e.c iiu.. 1 b. ore It.e 1,1 oM'cbiuary In anyyur, 11 'j 1 uji.'iLi shad be Idled by special tlecHum. hat fi in yor.ty oftlie Itoird ahnllbe 7 I, Y" the lliurl ilu t.-iul powem in itforjnnUa:i'i.'. an I to cip, . a ni'i.i''ir by a '011; -SltliiTote 01 all tiie tiifHierfi 'Ctad.hie !S. J lie lint Intel. 1.: n..'l be on tlio flritMonJay 111 .Mar uec f Iiik 1 1. i iec 10.1. at 5 1'. it.,and tlierci ter Bfi ufieu .in oi.,v oj pruviiled by thelljird. pro fir. I tint all meetinea i'ijII cuiitene botween the hour of 6 and I'. il.Mo U. Kveiy leilflailrti act (hall be proienled to(tie Mirnr fora'jproral. but not the appkiiuUienl irtleetlmi nl i otnniiMlonerf.Mi I" The U.ijor l all Tcto rreoilii." of li eDirJ ivitiiiii te 1 ilaji. or Iher beorae ralul without uu fi.i'i.ttir. In ease uf a vctj a twu thirdrota can I'vcrn.e it libin daw it It rec ptlonSec 11 .No retioUitlori or ord.i.ance for alienatingCr Kjmi.; ,.ui I ropetty of tl.e ntv, or viiiirh Inryveftt'' at 1 1 out iation of Liuni)! or tin'I. iin; . 1 all e the ritizeiia of nil' rt'.y, luil bera ei n atiortt''! nuill ai le.i file di)i iftrr theii.i.ea.i I Lien Intrnuuee . ALd eaierrd upus tncI 'urn. . tit n.all aa a irh oioinanca or letoltiiMn lfI illrd r ad u 'rd Ui tCfl tt a iu 1 1 ttvo.tMrdf' ottli'' ii'it'' 1 1 iteJ. Ni add.'.'i.ial al'uuaiico lelornite -;fii ela.m wh eh nll e xlit ni.df r any c ntract m it e eori orailoa. cr for an, serttcca on uait'-.'int 1 1 1' t'afied ei'tfpi lya unacuuoui votuty a. m 1. el.luern pr. fin.eao I. '.o 11 fclui pu or approprlMInz anynmi or 01 k.tlif'ai.r Prii t- tr 1 1 me cuy. or loaningilniir" niiheciyto ani e'eim irraty or rlinial'lel&a tu "t. 'l t'l.rlilt.titiall te 1 nae. or a loplel. uolr ti ft"iil iiMVehien nrat rip rtf.t upon by me fir.partni' 11 .i' ( luiiltl' a ar.d C 11111 10 u s if .iallon or ord nance apnraprlatlntany m.i.i r. ' S n,: ar.y pi-i; cr ct tic c.iy. or ioaLid; the hi di. oi tue c 1 to a 1; edueiiloaal fna'i'utioaor .'Utii'- ia I in-pane 1 ir adi pu-j ualea it ariallhaai"en P-.' r -aoneJ upou he the Department otTub 11 lii'trnri tl I i" 1 Ii'it of me Urard of Alilernirn ihallVeep l.'ir itfil olllieclty. fclifi lcn ull Icaiea, llama,and otlf r t " uuieuta 1U .ha., audi Lumt-crcl ami aut clrrka, inriU'lt.u .1 . b-aran. (who ahanidit l' ' (v .rci'idi. a '! e I'oaid of Aldi'imen mayaati-u: I" 'i.rirfrd thai ti 1 whole amnunt appretitaifl I'T lit ra nad that ff till aititiantailiall notla any ,en t aieect theanin t f tb.r.y thouaan 1 doll 11 afit. i"i liii'iHclulrlr a'I'r iiljonrnii ent. th clerklaid pc 'i ari' a I r er abmait "l an retolutioni antotiti'a l 1 .ntrodurel. and a I r-i. tnurn tat oca ofciaiuiit wh ca propone f r conttmlat aiy vperilcloirrui a en, 1 vo I e app-- (, mti n of publirrnoolf 1 r in tai'nz or no "in m pi ' (rriy 01 metit im '.' t.i city fine 1 aOMrfl-'! ahali tie pubiiancddi'lv .n . Ii f rni a th t on :n of tie leanrr 1 -u 1 i. m moil conren nt 10;. the. w th the al -uracilf u. " ret'Oita ot tin fi.'i'ir'n en na.'ierr.riKl"i 'o-, m ioh pnhl c.viot ha I tt know . aa litOi'ji '. aim a nie 01 lei 't -nail oe kept in rwrydepari'r.o.i'. 01 , i. c.ty bov. 111 ik ,1 euc.i punliraikuaba 1 in . inn,' . 111 conu'liai cc 1..I any aw reqii r $a r 111 .1 a .10, an of the t-roce 1 nz of 'he lUardoiA "I !' i Hoaro ti. ' 1 tia' i; t' eiCunye powei tntppr t'j r , r - -di ance lor evenI '.in n a 1 1,1 if r lj ai -a 1 1 iro. f-lcertn e pnot c 111 r 1 . ii 1. 1. 1 i 1 ni.ii'. a'i Ii i'e drwn Ir.iui Ukcty in 1 r ttue'a piwloiiva .iiMropruttd t'y thi-II, ir 1a 1: . n.ili the pee i- e 11,. Hoard may un'OI 1 11 ii 1 'i. o. it '"'iii'"t. '0 flyy lhfy analI'ljUii , n 1 to ti 1 ui rf "l 11 on tt 0 ailarle ol metorn To . 1 "rpiltt ..ii l. ma.- . I'tiBlf aal ailaii i-iora . 1 , ..i.,ou ac ot ' s ar.n n I ocmnilalontraa'-i lf,i-.t iMrimii 1 ti 11 u I an all not rifrcifeaav ii.ui i' iu it,L"0. not crvatu new dtpattuieiiiillwt '.f. '1,1 11 , ,.,61. 1 I e. t :a arn c .tl"U 'fit. rerenuoa f thecarrru. ur. ii', aum 111iopnr w any money rn tuteroflit ' ' in. cei ora ton 11 1 ,'rniit "i otvond lot a'.nncow aa. 1 01 jetl oy law, uti.eaa pu 11 toan ahall t.' an.ttiorif i i m a pceiialaet ol lue I.feilaiure upon applli ati n t it 101 r til lie '-y aa 1 - irpo al.on.PU' HI 1 .1 Miler al. fha !u e x i attary of tw .trioiif 11 1 t" lara iupj 1-1 to u nrdni ilon ol tfii dollaia' for ati. a 4.1 1 ii.t. ui.c ol tli 11 ar.i .tia; te tlialt havela.,oa '.0 -'. ; d.1 in: til 1 1 -n 1. i'f' r.u.Any It' cei' . II, e t..i.iut power ihall b)ve.ii'ii ! 1.- aior anJ ihe dianmntt nertiacroatedem .1 li.c Maor thai. 10 I i-chief fcatlre oracerol 1 r 1011 oai.on. He inall 1 1. c erted vatly. ontn tie. 1.1 I uf ait of April foraurm ccumientlnaoatiitt! kiflijo Mi; ten after In iecnoi.riit-rli ,1 , ic 1 on tor Mtior lha'l tin on the ttcoudlueada. if Apri. neii.Oai .' HiifoifirrliieStaioriUall be prevented fromatieiiitirf to tin' dii'iea 01 lis omie.thn I'reaident ofItie Uo, ii 1 1 ,M t rintn l al. a t k Major, run noia ttal. Hie r.. .taaod iiintra of May r lint he anal notei' tele a , ot tiie powcrt ol a-ii olnitrent to or re.111 .1 1! ir ..1 ttf',',.nor aicn any ordmanco or reio 11I n .11 1 .- 1 lard of AlOftiuen mueaa the aha uce oft&e SMi' . a' I tuiu continu 1 at Ifall im daia.&f J uiLevi-r n ai anct iu tin. office of a!a)oraha . . 1 ,0 , e:tr the ICtn day of Octob r of anyytai ". ti .rj f Aldri'nro mail order loitnwith anewel' . in e hcla ai the Ihenni'it tenerai eiec.tuu'.:- 1. 1,'dtral crSrera I'l.tlliucn tacann iaS e,i . 11 '1 of Aldtrinin aliall elect ilaioi whoI a I :i ! 1 tl, , ior tne Interveninj lerra i and iheyi'll 1 1111, nvrtiavi power to elect a Mayer tot ' 1 f i uiiii ired tirui Mlu'nihe vacancy in tin,othi :M.' r i,n.e ol n e otn r the ,0th day of Oct 1b'rlin, 1 'ai 1 d I'd' r fie l day of January aucCt'li.. 1.1 ti I Ibi tt l) f d.iiiuary.ot I I'i lu-M the yen al jutl'i ot Hit HayorII a t ft1" 1 ' f Mayor tnav ai p .nt and remove atiei,ci nti ii , 1 "i deiMi't. i'vi and otner otllcer old- a ipi. ai are litre . .wi ptwiidsl to oe a.p ' 1 , .1i I' Mavoi xhall re "ive an ainual avaryotCI' -r. 1 L14.1 t do nr. Ileaiii 1 mpior autu e erfan in, . in ,y te nt-eei. 1 j loi me n ariiarye n.hif ii ' .! . an 1, re.o.e lu 1' Heard of Aldeiuieneifiyin: . luoiiiu au accot.' 1 1 . Uu expenaet 01 hitorlv "f . , Matori' av 1 1 ito.i ved by the Ooy-rnorf ' a, uu e maunti piui .ud b) law u tut ciij p( txcci'TIvr; prrAttTUiXTI.'r t, : , create! tne loilnwinr; U'ptrtmtnianaii 1 i : iiepn tuient ol runic IVorka Upanyiein If nii.'i'uka Uepiit nent ol Public 1 'it of I'uolic I hamie, uud t'oirtcuou, 1.1 I tnatfCe, Lint nit rui.d t omimiilon, lie.Parian n' ,t haw. Il.'p'trtnii a or I'uDlic na hi. on to theae depatl i.cut. tntre aliall al 1 bean ill r tic till I " Ine huorilnundent of rublellarkrta. wto a'.a.l be nppoit tc 1 nr reaolution of tlieIt trio A iitTitteii. aud I'e reim 1 able at their ilt-i ret it l.i 1 : .ey.Lue of tti" 1 ui iic inarkita aha'.l b?Sol 1 r ...j .y i ,f ureartmeul ol I 11 a iei-i' In tvira dti aitmeiit tneie ina'l be kett arr rti 01 I tt-anaac'ilona. 'o tu a reiiible to tlu' puhI' troit. 1 In in Ave o'rlocic ei.eli tli y ai.d at tne fitdo'tar tiai a ''N' I . it. w t lie traninililc 1 tothi ,eu o 1 lm l.omd ol A.uiri. en tcr luieitionlia1-'. ' u v. 01,1Hy I lie -an dt 1 ariinf till 1I10II wt on called uponb) ttn 'a r or Hoard of A dtn.ien. tiiawe lo into rttiiiiii . -1 frtire'v. repoita ol tneir iranaaction. andt'iniKii fijcn ni'oi .nation a may 1 e dt tiiatided. J.xc pi mill Hi partnirntl f tli anre l.u coinin ill tier01 iiii- tt. -.ia atMll appoint aid r.'iiuvu ln-i la 01b .I'ltn i ii'ki aha 1 appoint all aubnrd.nate' nireri. andc ' fin tue oouiinutiou 1 1 then ny 111 In a la ofl4t' 4"!111. l ErtnTMEM oy itBLic wonm.An '. ,t-tr si 'Iho liepartti ent ol I'ul.itc W. rklfiat ' 1 tider tl. a charge fi ti- i oninilatuiui-ta, whoana 1 ' 1 1 b am to be 1 4 1 it"! I ne (.ommiationi'ia olI'tfiil i i oika. ' and who ai 1.I1 i.c tne mitt oineora Iti't Oil rrtim 1 1 Hue rt ud (iniiiiittioatii an," 1 rd 1 1 tl.e Vator. I i.e r ninn uc lour thilll- '" t a h) Hi. Bom it of Aleeriutu, uu I i.e. cuuiulaI k nl nt,Ki' 1: 1 inerib'i iht m.icntr of removili n hctetoi'jro I'llti.latn dat 1 Ine iv I Din rtwri.t ihall lave all theIi. rinni fun L'liom In m 'I' . e poiieaned oy the Uepirtiu nt of 1'iital c tNoina niiw tiiatli.a uitept ti.osrmum; to tne ooicii.oi, of aiafaan.etita and aatetron'ai ai d aucn ultier nowt 1 an.t i)i. tmna ta may neail ua y ronlerred ui on it ivt 1 att, tobjeci 10 ihttC'lUtrol ot tne Hoard of Al'lTU'i'iiMo w. Suiju t 10 the cm trci . I it e Hoard of Aldertnen.tttte taid itipirlnietit at. , I hate a I tne Doweia nmtlunitio 1 In rct'I'ii and now 1 oana,r I by tn Dti artLient o 1'nrxa in relal on 10 to.'4rui tireeta. andat. uur, .ib ivr l ureet in 1 ,1 1 c ty. nut en.brat e t w.thtn t i lluilli of am pirn or pnhlic 1 lehi i I il'rovdea lor n buieau f 1 roion a att't'ruc.t'lttim j .i opt" tl : a bureau 01 gradim pu 111 i 11U'ltiiiii . a nuicau of itiati, , ui, J a bureau ot tfotkpicra, a nl 1 uu ( omniliiionei appointe-l liv the Navnianal, ti 1 hairinau 01 'he hoaru. 1 i,e Lomui.i'ioiitu otI'm r oraa iha.l tia ei..:tleo 10 lean In the Hoar I "tA'.aiiii n, aud rliad nave tie ilatit to participate inibi q.k no tut 01 aald Hoard inert ne 01 re!alin- 11' 1 1 p 11 '.i.t'iit nail ,ti ntiui a bulthai iiothayuthetoft t 10 I'.ic tit r'H am ral' '.ti'jii nr oldiliane" I' ai.'iU'riii in 1. 1 liav 1.0 power ti- .) -flucii Ml Iv iuu BjI liPCOii U9Uyf ,1eveept nrh n thill have lire 11 prcvlouilyappropilitcdtiy tlie Hoard nl AldermenTlllt HlI'ltlTVtaXT 111' Ptinl.lC I'AnK.APT. VI, j-re 40 I he lira arlmeni of I'elnip I' be lit ill p tlie 1'liart.i tit llv-- rointnletli lit ia .r 1 aie t In 1 anie manner a the 1 iniinlaaloncrs 01 Tub.ue Workp, 11. Tl.e Iicp.irltnrnt ol Piiullf Park aliall ree'li-ivelv r.'titr.M, minanf. anil tlirect the niipfvein"nlr al. pub le 1 nrk ana ail liuiloinaa tin 11 in. ana imlilip p cei it hli h arc of tin tea trot the city 1 1 NewYork li anall Pave all rlKM, aower. and pnvhr.'ea' ia to ati'iti'tl hy the eniittiB licparttnent ol PublicPn K. eicent aueh aa are irnnatt rreil to the llepartmem nt rnblie Horn and inch at relate lo tirreia andiimiicinrtli oiittlde ol ptiSIx pari and place, and i -ceptthe power of tncurrins ludebtednca, nod railingand ctiiendlnj moaey.rp' 11 I he t ' tniiiivlonpr apnitnt d by the M'.virtlttit lo rhalrpian The ('oui'niionert abttl h entotied to aeata In tlie lloarn 01 Ai'letinen, anitl initeth- luht In partirl' ate In tb" in, ufti hi ol a.iU I o r.lnfTrciintt or re.ntlnii t-i aald department, but ihall nothave tne rtitht to loir.Tilt iikpabtiilnt or ri p.Ltr atrr.Tr.AKT. VII.. f-ac l.i 1h Iiepll imei I or Pntdif Kaffttai ttn 1.,. under Hie ehlrpe ot ae 00 imraon. to he eillctt' I hi' Huaid f Punilc lafelv." St l lloartl ihall 1 on.1 .it o. t .e Mvvor and of an rotium .nuncr. uho th nttn- eiirtd in tiie Hoatd nl Atderiiien.mi- II Provldr lor the i-ifcil'in of ConitiilaalonciaP) ine 11 .ird of Aldrrmru on t'.ecimiiiiatite pi-in.WM' iri the an priMina io elcetti aball. within Areilai- anei their pretence 11 thu lljini.ill vide tit -mail r a by I. it into iworiaiaeeof thiee ai of wntcb rlaiiea than honl otTlcn for three yeaiafrom the lath di ol Hay, and Ilia ottic: lot 111yeaia 110111 aaitie tluleBit It). Hctwrcn the l.t ar.d inh daviot May In eacnthirtl tear trom antl altrt ilf, itie Itoitd "I Aliiermenhall elect tnree coiiinii.aioiiei a in the iljce ol tnomwhoae trima aball exoire.set' 1; Ineliiardi'l M.lcr.iten may at any time removi' any or all nf lal.i 1 ontiniaOoni'ra by a vo e oftwt .ihililt ef tun whole netiih! ot Aldfrruib In oftlea1 th'i mil'' nf a it. Ii telii "i, , loi t aileHr.t- ltVi,cuni'i''t ni 1 ur. ma In ttm otll'-ai or ( nnnlia iitiel aliall le tilled h) tlie tei.illuui t aiunila onerii op; ''iittiittat.Mu I'i tor liepariment or Public Aa ely Hull hiveand I'lciCifC 1.11 urn poaet uotv coiitcrre I upon andveileti in the Polit e lieoariment. Ine Plre Dei'irnm-nt.ilte lleailti liepartiiitnl.lan 1 the Heparinieni ot ot tin ci y of New York, end inch tthtirpoiveia aie conferred upon Ihem by tne Hoard ot Aldermenof ald city, not incoimateni w 11.1 Ine law of tne Mate :Provided, it aliall not hale power to Incur Indebtodneaa uor to rane nor etpen , money unleit lit aameaha I bate been appiopr.aUJ by lb Hoard of AlJirmen Mro. Ca) Thcro lliill bi Ave burcaui 1.1 thla departtnebi, to wit .I. A nil. can or police. 1. fin bureau 1 A bureau01 It al h. 1. A bureau ot buitdiuza. 3, A buioau of1t.1t nut.erf Si. Coitlnuei tn efflre th preient police foretirei t ne the Coniniitiioncn aa'i neeil He 1 irn'ahkc bl t'.intlnuea the prrenr force ol ine tire llepaituiettt, hut retnoti't ibr 1 oininnaionrt, Chtef KoKincrr, aud Intbrctor; 31 provi.tea tor unilorming all c innectel wi nIhe I'tre lK:'artmtiteicr :A ronlitiuet the prrtent llsalth ettahllthnient,eieepunc the heutt of the department ine lieadt otbnreaiit. lUe otllceri and emp oyu-a ot the llureau orfctreet CMeanlnf. an I tne Itesiaict of lieconlaMo or), lb lltiilh llureau ol Ihe Hrpartmint ofPiiptie Mint t mn. from nine to time, inakt report 10tt e liepailiiicnt of I'uliltc ely aa to ll,e nectaalty ofr eainnz I (ie tlieeta, and aald Ileparlineiit liny tiic.eur on iriinmii audi repoita to the Hoard of Aidermvu,ami may eier, lae aucn powrra in raietlon thtreto aa.iail be ineroupon conterred upon inrin by thelioaril of Aldermen.Hao 17 leaialaiea ine Mn pcrlnl indent of Hull dliea out,di irnnatara hla eatabiifiirneiit to lite Hepariraitut olIHoli. sneiy,rai a.1 ira-iaferi th II i-'aj of Vital Stlt.ltica, butItat 1 me llritin-r outM 00 Nu 1 eraon iioldi'ij 1 ffice undr thti dejurtDiem l ali b liab.e to m luaty or J ir) duty trttl 3 holdin audi office.-it: bl ine Mayor iha.l he the cnalrman 01 tnellnu'd The I'ouiini'atoi en of Public Satety ahan bet mulct to aeata in to Huv d of Aiiletnien ami aliallhate thr- rtkht to rarttciptie in tne aieiiaaion ui aa.ttHurl affeettnt: 1 r relaiiuE to aaid depiitmcni or, nut man not bate thu ri;nl to toteTUE IlIPtRTUKNT or Clltnitlkl INtl co' ri ON.ABT. VIII t 95. The Ucpartinent o'( hir.t i andt -ineetioii aiiait tie unticr tne chirse n tiv eotnt.n.011111. cot.attiiiiid the aame aa tne Hoard ol Fall Hoard thall pufti ai all the powei atoidtt'ir:e 11 1 tn dnttea now conlencd up n the Pepattnirnt ot Public I hai.tica aud Correct. on h- ap-ctaliawa, and by the t lotialtnt of ciiptvi MO 01 the l.iwtot ivai and acta aal parte of acli aiiicudit ry tnerem.c xcept tne power to incur IndcPtcdnraa and tniaiieami cipcu 1 money, atd eieept aa the nme are minlin. 1 or rerealed bv the provmona or thla act. luo.ect1.1 the r.iutrol ol Hie Hoard ol Aldermen.Pre (it Tiiereaiial b two biiteaui in Hi a depa'inirnt. a f urra- of cnarttiea an I a bureau ol corrtc .onwith a tupctinieo.ieui lor cacn tiaicau 'Ihebn.-cau01 charlt vt ihall hate caprcial charge of all tn-1Lorn tl.e Intaatc of whlc.i have not been coinm tifdfor any off no azamal the law. Ine bureau 01 direction mall hare charee of all otrtfr inlltu1. 111 ami Ihe two )uat dralsnnut cli'tea nl peraon uader ih cliaue uf the Ciiiiiin.aii er . .1. b afar aa pr;.c.'cb e tepara'el 1 ho Coinm tio r.alall.vii- all inrvrporaud cnarltaoie or teiietilnt aot e'ici. tuc.udinrf hoapit a, to rfpert to tt in tlie obJeita for wnirli and o-lal'ei were elnHthe,l, tliciaia of prraona to whom may extend rrliri. an 1 theiiwueot re.icf adopted, auo to rci orl. from llin- 10iime. the nuaia at their dlapoaii and tne .. irrerul.ent'e derived, the ueutca of pcraona ret.t vLd. aud thea 1 mint of rulef extended to Ihem. an 1 in the en 01hoipliala or aayliima waat nunilier o alilitiunal IIIit'utta ihi y can receive, and inci other detail! aa tnelonunl-ilone-f 11 iy Hi cm adtiab 0.Mr. at tl ti'i rif.11 101 I-r luonea, property orI au ol mo f.ty'a ciedit to am eiviii'-iiary ot cnar-ita-,1,'ni 11 ut 1 n or purp 1". anail he niaie to rhia Pciiatiment befoio tiie be acted noon by UulUiaid ui Aldcri. .t. tviie.i turn aop teition a nl.have otn filed 'n the officii ol tlie Hcoretarv of UnaPepartnii nt, tne aald Caininlaaiotiera than nave powerto a tan t:e raid tn-li 1 ttt-n or thaiay hi d riaintntand inreatisate 1't ronttitliui ant imrpojet, mmrport tner.1.10 11 tne Hoard ot Aldrmun ; butif they delriiiniie alveitely In auh ai'PIIcitio.i, tbc power of tail Conim;ioni'ra toviai. nnd ixamini the tame aball then ceaaIf nf on a te, on of thla liepirnii 'nt auch aid anail tiei' ended by tne H i-fd of Aldirmen and accent, u pjracli inat.t.ltloa or charity, aal t Couiliiiaalon n aliallthereupon be a boatd 01 vlaltora of ih.d Iniiltuti'in,with power to icnlto aueh inititut.oo of charrTv foriiiattLCbt or care, free of c.nrcc 10 ti.c rit). tuch raaraaa in itie diicretlon ol Ho-and I ommianoiiera ran bjoeitcr lieatad tnereln than In tlaa puolic thai Hlei olthe cltv.fir H. Th Cormii'ilcn.'r appointed bl Ihe Maeorhall be t'hatrmai ' I ilia Itititi. '1 he t oiniuiititii e.-f"f Ciian'iei and 1 orrecu b anail be mil ln.i 1 ai .r 11tn.' l.oard ol Alltru.ou, and nate the aame nata atomer t'ouiua'aaione.'a,Till! priaTiiisr or riNixrr.A11T W Ju C( Tbv Hepaitineni of I'lnanee "hallunder the charje and control of In c . ,. r. 1 if rof Hit city and count) of New Y"r." ami ol loutt ouiii iaai'jiiiia ' mo ln'.uuiy." wuo toitetiicr ihallcouaritute 1 he lieparttnoa' 01 finance."Pec. el. 1 ne Co. auoller 11 all he appoicicJ b) thea!i)r and 'ball be lemotatde at hi 9 ratnre. 1 haComptroller may appoint, and at I la plfaure icniovr,a Pepuiy t.oinptioller. ayno alml be apboinlud In tn'111 at. 11 -r and be letted with Ihe powria now preicubedLv law.The four Coimula,oneia of tho Treaaury ahilt be"letted by the H .ant of Aldermen on the cumulativeplan and aball be tutjeet In ruinotal lu like . I he Lump iioilor than b" ine iir'ntcnt of ttie department, lie aliall tmvn ih.i aohandt'Xiluaivti power ot anpointlnir and laiucviiitt a Ihiad.ui bureaux, aun ordinate ottlt'era and tlerka intlie d'turtnient, eicept a herein ulhrrwia ciprctilyirovli-dai. f'J 1 he liepartir.eot thall rave control nf all th;f cal 1 onc.n.aoi 1: u e.irnnration and 01 Hie api r pi 1utior 1 ane li r cai 1 y a' on the lm 1 iet o, tan eo'porhiIoii It ahall prei'-rtna tbf lornt ot kee; Ins antrender nt; ail cuy a-eounta.; and the mai.n r 111 whic1)all elartea aall he .lrawn. and the ion If pjr w hn-n a.lrrt'ii'oia. oiDcera anl empoteia ti the lorpuraiiii.ihall ne paid. All payiiieii' tiy 1 1 on b nan tu ihu c 1..pora i' u than b maao thrtiin t.,e pioper dtiburiiu.'citric it ol the tirpa imentfie 'il All account renu 'red to or Kept in ihe otto rdoi aptmenta ihall beaul'lect to 1 lie i'ipe, ti 01 an I iuaton 01 the ofllcera 01 tula dvpari.tteui , and 11 ,.iiantic and adjuit all ciauua In lavur of or atr.un ihocoip , at 011. and all accjunta Inwiilch Him run or.i1 on la ciicarne 1 as debtor or creditor 1 piovlde i.hiiroor tuch e' itfii e. 1 or adjuitiueui inallnot hateihe eff 1 1 or a Jo linrieut or demet i.let' il Tl eie than n the fo.luwiu: bureaux In llint.i- atttueiit:1. An auditing bureau. 1 A bureau for recetv m ofnl moiteia putu into tne lieai'try of the tit,, aid foitiiti i atine.'t of moil v 01. vt.iuttit drawn h) tieI omp r Her nod 1 on le -ignt'l lir tin Mayor. Idtfllti' of 1 hamierlain le ab' Hnel irom and alter 1 yII oexr, an. tne iluiiea rrtiiofoie impoaed npo-i th'jL' 11 -nerlatn are l.up aeo 111 on the t umptio.'ei, to b-acuariTfii and cxi'ictaed by hl'ii thro'ikti n11a tup-.ranurer or uth''. Iho con in anoni, ory ulljtvctl hi law to th" Cha nberial'i fur coilcii"iaand nyini over 10 Pie atati' the pionoiiioi of btalotax rclK't It tbe coucly ihaT be pil l ovot by met oniLlrolier ti tnr ( unit trcaiury. a, rueli oiHTV bureau or bureaux at the d'pariment mar eaiabil 1. 1.A hitrei'i for tne collectiou of tie rcveuuo ai crulni;Irom renu and Intt ret on bon la an I nior.liac. andrtveuuo annul fioni the ma cr anle ol piopertyhclo ..f.iii to or tiunagcu by Uu city, a, A bureau lortin- coliettiob of lax and nit aameutt. ti. A bureuttfor iho tollcclon ot icwnue derive I Irom Ihepali and ut 01 wattr tiavln ail the poweri, anl prloi in all the dntl't or the water umlei exiaiinjraal 1 A burenu f'r the co.lectiun o! arietra oftaiea aiaraiin nt and wattr ic 'ta. ri. A bun an forthe col tel. on of uteiiue tl'mel Irom llceoc a, andret la f ir ptiulic inaraeta I he hea la of the Ian niuiiloinni file bureaux ha I he ano mite 1 b) tho 11 mrdof Al 1' ri.'Cti by rraoluil.n. and aball bt reniovab'o atii. oiHanre 01 aaid bo.inl. 1 lie hcatliof Ihefe nilreaux thall have puwoi 10 tpp th"lr leipecMvetuboidinatea. and to ten) ne ihe n a. tdcamre. Ihelol ecttiroi cil rtveuue. Ihe llrctivcr of laxea. anduiieatututi, the I olietlor of water renu, tne clerk tftireatt, ail the fo.le tor il In eni-a an I uiarkolien". ahall pa) over to th C miplrollir all m oneji rertuid b them on Hie day of llin it'C'ipt tin, "or 1 1 onihe nuineia day next lui'in'' li. All mone)B Ltawn limn the Cltv treaiuria'.il ne upou vouthur lu, the eti i .id. t iro treiio ,eHiulnra ami allowed t'V the Auuiior. aud apuiovei byt ,e Comiitrollei. and filed in Hie oUka ol tne ln paitlueiii i r t Inance ,uc ,1 holt iiitcmenti of the receipt! aod eipcbdltun of ail th" department ilia I be lon li on UuI'drd Monday 01 tun inon'h bi each ueo'i m tut loI e liepariment of Kinvin. Ihe i.oinp rot nr. orany one ot ml I oiumiiiioncra ol ue ol 1 inante. thall hav.t powtr at any tunelo impact examine, or ropy any louciien. r eo da,or t ai an. In any of aanl neporlnienta. I no U'pnitmelit ihall publ.ia iiionihly. in patninl"t lorm, a det ili'di'ni.rneut .f ail the rei oluti and eiietidlturti!,i mi cliy ai icouniy durlt-c in ireccdlnit montn.No pond. ccr.lP.'hto of Block, or rvldrnceof pubicrlcbtlo be It ued by tue city, mall be valid un.eiitiiied by tne Maior nnd c.niiiiiro,lcr aud countoriiiiie l tiy tiro or more ol laid L'oinui.iiuuiri of thop,H''-C n"lbi'ovt Ooniml'ilonera of the Treaiuryaha! tcr'Ofinall iheduuei heretofore performed byfl,,to,.,.lllOnerI ol I'lirt in. Comiiila.ion.ta oihelreaaury auallkeep duplicate p-ok., one ill owhich ahalllie open auj acctiiibla at all tluiii to alt' V.'i'jj'oi'urSIio.. tne But day ;of July flr. i c"h andeieiyiear, the Coinptrolltr anl the Mid four lornin ivioiierael the lieaaury ihall aaree u,l"'n.le"1.c';mate ol the vailoui luuia ol mof v which n J dlacit iiun. wnl be required lo delii 11 ino viil""'pen ea ceeesaary lor cuudiii'tlin; ini vanoui lloaiiiiaiiluipiilinonl.ofltn city novernmcnl whie&evlniaio ahall ha founded upon rtpurl ObMine) fioni laid department!, au 1 alto to' Paynt the inline! on Hit el'y debt and Ihe I rlncipaluf imli debt fallme duo winch aiuuuuta, whoii iao ,,t.ub,naa by uu If9ui,,i9itvr mi Loouiniioueii ulthoTrcaufv. thall ha cerllfled by them In dtll to thelli ardol Aldeimen. to ne bv them accepte I or uio lined anl ccr linen to the Hoard of Minertnori of inncounty or Now Voik a the amraaie expeniea ot themy, and laid lloafti or Kmcrvnor are hereby emp itvercd antl direetel annuaiit to i anao ih. minmi'tiiit nf nioiiey tu be accoidloR to law rnito.1 audco'leclid by ii The comptroller thill bo the cha rmnn nft tut bir r. Ihe l.'nnibtroiier antt the cominlnionotiot the lit'aiui) thall lm eutitlod to . ata in il e 11 nlof AMctiiicn, with the itmo powcra aa other comiiila.Aioncrt.Title sinkivo ruNn uomui ioh.Ar.r. X , ftrr ;i. The Mayor. t'oriptroHer. Commlatloin i ol the treiiury. and .Indeo of the Court ofof Ctiniinin Plcii and Chu t .liiailte of tne nup rlort otiu hi the enrol New York, ahilt ciMitllui thoStnkinf l-nnti Ct'inmlia.on, wtih the aani powert a atI'ira. nt Ho lu exatiiae.l under the control tt Ihs lloatdof Al leimoiitrtr t.ttv iia.ptnnit:,iT.Ar.T Xl-ftc ii. fhiadepartmoaitfiiiain! ti.liatantlall) ni at i rri.:urn Piptntuevr or rtmtic laf-titiTfiot.Anr XII -bee. mi. 1 he Deparltne'ii ol cuhlte Ina,r in linn hit the aame powci a .it 'lotti anauuw veiledin ihn dopiiiiuent of public Inaiitieiiiiii.'yo ai Iho donarltneni ahall conaiat or nol uior"than thirtl conimpainiiert. wh i ahail he atvtel I lieI umni.a'ioneianl Public lnatriictto i.' and anitl eon.liliitt tie b"ard of public luiliuciidii oi lha city ofNew o"ihrr Hit cnmmliatoneri ihall l e elected from eachlenatediaitictol the ciiv, aa now cataiii.ane 1 b, lawsaid c ectioti to b.' condncte I on th rumula'lto pi aa. bald Hoard of Public Inatructlou aball totlhwith alter their oiianixallon appoint, by a majority orHa meiiiln'ia, net Icaa man lhtonor more thin aevfnIruitreiof Uomuion school! for each waul of iheniv. and a board of ttn truateia of which iho Preaident ol the "I otieje of lb city of New t ork hall liea rueniher tr otfl.-io. for tho niinaannie it of a in "I d-l-eeof ihe cuy rl New York." winch ttifeet ahailh dd othce duitmr iheplcaauro or iho ll'i arum nt ofPiiniic no The Mayor ihall appoIPl th'ce tnapeetott otCommon Scnonia for eat h sanato llitirici, who thallhold t.lil.'c at In lilbaauienri' 91 ihe t "llin l--i. inert of Public Inairiictlon.Truatt'f!. and Intpeclora of common echoola aliall boveiled Willi and diaclnrirn a.l Ihe powera an I duticiwhh h are now veiled in ami due nrtrcii ny Iho Commiiiloniri of the lieparluiout of Puulic Ipiiruciion,Iru-t ea, anu In'pt'fmri ol Common rrhnula.Mar vi All applicailonalor inonor, properir. or Innof the ctedit ol tor city lo anr cducatl mal Inatnu.i hior for am edncttt mat nitfpoie ai ,lt n mile loinfiepanment beforo tno tame ct i be acted upon tm tneHoard or Atdermoa. tt upon a r.'purl ol t ill lli 't'tneni inch aid ahall be eiiendod by tlie Ilu it I ut tidemen and ncapted tiy auch inaritutton. aald Coiiimt.mnera aliall tbeieupoa tie u li .ird ol vliiimi ol aucntnitittiiioi. with power to aenj to aucn inittttitlon torrduct ion, free of chirse lo the city, tuca peraoni aaIhet may diem proper not tnyMtlnit a-, nnrndiluieto the inantiitlon be)ond the amount ul''!ay itlrom t:ie city.otMr.nai, rttoriitoitArtTi Xlll.-Pec :o proti tea puniilim-nt bv flnf orluitoi-o'iiiicnl for irlniK o-alteniplini: ii bribe n.iyaldetinin. or any oltltcr ot the c 'ri oration Kvryaldermi'i or oraeet nha "hall accept any inch tuibe'hill, be diatiuaiiAi'd forever Horn noldtna an publicofllcf, trim, or appointment under Ihe eitf ot NewYoik. and aball forfeit hit ofllce, aud aha I be punniied by imnKonment In the peuiti'iittiry uoi ixcetd'hit twu ten i, ur by a nne nut tli ceding Ate thoaamd doilnt, or both In tho dicrtf ,. of the roiirli;vetj perum orT'ndina inaintl any of Una hiiioiitnali n romt e.enl wiiuraa neaitiat any other peraon olleadina In Ihn aime iranaacl'Otl.nyr vt Any ciilxen ciahuins lo nave Buffered apecialdamaie by any tcte or action ol any Aiuer.nan ort'Ulcer iriten for any oiahooeit or corrupt niottvo orcouahieiation may brlrti; ami ajralnat auch Atdet manoi officer, ami recover hit dainaxei not e icecdlnt onethiuiaitd d'ttlaraan 'JV So Alderman, fnmmliaioner. or other otri-ri-ri-fihecorpoiuito.i, ihall bt direc.iror lujirectlyInieteatedlu anviontrart wnri. or bnain.aa. or inaaie of any ariu I the expanie, pro o. or couio:erationot n .ncii i pail fi out the el't ire atitry nor in tne purrntae ,.f any ri a) eataic or c trier ptopariy bclonatnaT totue cHliotallou. or MMchantll ne Bold oy virtue otlesal proce at th" auti . I i-otporaiionM-i fal. At.y aiierinan. rommiaaioni.r. head of depviment, clem, or otnrr oflli'- r ol tho torpiiralionmiv re Biupinart'y t'larinei rei;ardin; any allee'iwrorfml itlteraiua or tilianppllcaliotl ol tliyu,uiiLiaor Iniid or any volitiona of tne piottiioua oi iheliiai two Bi'ctiniie, or any other tie inqu -ncy loat'liiuuI be otle or Hit- i.lit bie or arz eel u. .luly.h-i.'jh No app. uprtation for tlie Couteann; of thoille ot Mayui. or anv tn the r. i4rd ot Aiderme'i.or He,' inuii'ttt of Pnmic Inaiructlou, ilnll be mad-' toanv Inn the prevallinc party.i 4 uu Anv eraoii h ridius ofd-e nr.dr tl,!t charternno thill nurinx lua term ol oltlco. accut, hull, o.ri'iaiu any other civ. I afflro ut honor, trui, orcuiuiuii.tnt littler lha liovernmeut uf Ihe Cnl'eds'niti. or l.n Sine, or ualer th:t charter, orwho ahall ate it a tool In the re, or who aha.l dnrtut: hit taid term ofoffice recite anv tera or eruut 'lutma tlire. t-.i to tepant to him by any otdinanco (dine Hoar I of AhKrtuea.thill ba iictitned thrt'ti) to Lave netted hi!utile. No pertnn thtll hold two cli.trier or conntioiht'ca. nor ihilt nn officer unter Iho eti) zoter.imantnolii ur retatn an ttfltee under tie cnuetv envemment,exc id when ne n da em-h oflloe ee.orf,.i.nnd in aucnt'u be alia. I .It a a no atlary lor ancn cr-ail io ' u. No itrect. aV'uifC.or p-.til.-i jlace In ot Sew Y ork. wnich hna peen once pate i and thecipcnic Hereof pabt lor by the uwneraof ihe a ij Jinlaic prtburtr by aaicaitnriit t'lail here titer be paved alitie.r eipent '. iiuleaa tucli p.ivitc be petiiionei for ba uiijo. ii) ol iheowncrioi the propvriy on luo Hue ofthe 1'iopuicu iruprovemet l.p 11. AH prlntir.e tor taid city ahall bt executed,and a.i aiatiorin y aliall be aupplled. under rontrarti iobe entereti into bv tno Cotnptro.ler anu theComtuiaaion( ii ot tno 1'rr.r 'tiy, or any thrae of them, alter ani It i ittarment not nnl) in the f rp Rtcntii. but uiher.alien then diicrcuon. lor at lean two wreki. luvit.ton i rupoaa.!.mc, nr.' No n re ihar or.e thonaand copleaor anyineaaaze ot Hie Mayor or report of anv h a.l or a department, ai d no more Hivi tire hundred cupiea or anyreport of aciiiiiP.l'ct or the Hoard t Aldermen aliallbe primeu. No more tb 1 1 Uve thousand copiea of theI l.y It-'coed. oi ol ti c work known n the Manual oith'i ( titiiui mi oiim il. or or nurturi'lir work, ahall beprinted ur.d no uch work atull be cmbelliaho I withuiiy pi.'turea il my dracrli Hon. exiept a map oft.iecut. aud all cuctraca tor tuch ptcurrt ahall bo void.The firv Aecietl imli be putiliancd dally, MindayBni a lecal huiidaya exeepie.i, and etery advertiaemcotut any di-partim ut ahall be prltitod thrieln : Hod a c myot tin- f up lltC'Hii ar.ali be aent by mail to all new aratieia in tint city, and to all lihranti aud luilnuilguanidi city thai uiy ap,il fur il.hir ltd. Hi, the flr.t Mo i liv "f May. In Ihe; i hundred aud aeyentt ivi, lie i.Tma of othjot tne followinu ninind eititins oflU',4la of the city ofNew a ork -hall exi'-re, to wtti Ihn Aldermenand Aa-itaut Alderiiion, antl their clcraa andaitbordieaiea , the Mayori the i omptroller anilli i my t, unj Cliambcria li; the Corpnrition i o.iuael. rporatlon Atiorne), anil; tne t omnnailoncr ot Public Inatru'Mton and the Irmteca and Inipcctori of Cotiimonhcbooli. and the Tax ( ommlatiotiera: and ontnolMhday ol liar. Ill the i-ar liif. 1 n teiuil titnlUci ol thefoilonluy named ettalini t'l'lfai of ald cat thai t-xltr,tuwii: Hit loi!iti..i!uucia of Puidlc itork. ilielotniiiiailoiiria ot Ptrilio ,1'aikt. the Commiiiiunriaand Miperinten lent of Police, tfcu t onoi ,a.otiera otPubic tbiriti',i aud Corrcc'ion. tnu Piro I omnutloutra. the t luef Kntfineei- of tue t'iro 1'rpartmem. the l-tpector ot Kirn Atparatu, thu ComiiitBiiMicrt ot heath, tie city lau lary lnieclor, Hieri'iitfterol recorCa. thu cunitulaaionera ul iiock, nndali uthtr otll -vra wnoie placn are nlrecte I to b nneplied by Una act. All ot in I oiunon i; otflcera areheir by directed and required, aa aoon ai potiluoaf er Ihn expiratlou uf their rciptclive tcriiia. lo their reapce'lie tiiccvaora all ihe property ofeiert kind, luioai and rup'.ri. In their ue and poucinun rcfpcctivol) biom:.tii: 10 the curpotatlon.rnoToaiiArits ur srx Jturuitiuits.The Ititrr-cliriicL. DIIUouli) -llr, llarr'artlori .Mi'f Ifi'hriirlt Cnlla HI r. Ilnl l' al.lrtl'i Hllil Ilnll' Pull r-clif lull' .Noaf,A Si s reporter cnllcil iipoti Police C' P, Ikn Ilea liju .1 Itra vea'i'r.l iy. 11 r.Ilarr letciteil 1 1 m wiih urbanity Tiny both a'looktun la, and In tt'itwcr to qiit ai ion coiirtTUiiif litdiUI' iiliy wtlli -Mr. del emu, Mr. Ilirr aaiJ IT . i-. in tu and 1 ha 1 a, me but.utii ti iii'ticilorr,lona be'ort. 1 btrnute a Pollcu Ctiumiaaiuner, in t1 ua lie ut i nltuad itoc ., I did all llin work, end hehad nnllitn; to do tint ict-tive the tuoiit-y, tt ol, hnnioiiiitid tn ll.litl. Tina amount u,, toll tu heanequally tlilhlail, Put I inter r'tcited ti ci nl, untltti tu 1 callctl on Inm for il marc, he aaid he badDot iitcit.'d aur rauiioy. I men rote lo tho partya r.entlcin.111 In Iloton nlln whom 1 had the lieKOtiulion, and lie n p'led mul ho Had nil I Ih moneyto .Mr. fchcuclt on the aame liny the tranaactionwire rioted, T'hta natiirally anuojed me. an t tlncethen I have cnde.iiuic 1 to see Jtr. bc iincX and haveMi ubdiratui.u.r.i! with hi in, but l.u Intarlaidy'Jo.Ijcd ,ue 111 i !" a'.rti l, an 1 ran into tout" oi c oro.her if tt-i'-o Pied Yca'onliv, huwtter, aa Ia olns dOfVit I lchinse Iroui llioadnay, Imet htm count); up. Aa boou aa 1 raw li t til lm ranI , lo oi. i' ol ll.u liiukuc ItoiiKt'i, uud 1 foll'int il .,nddcniiiidcil my money. He aald ho nevtr pot any; Iaid hu did, and ho laid me I lied. Till! mademe onery, and I ttrunit lila note, Tor I could notallow luni to call mo it liar, and itoal my mouey tooHe tlttn ran Kiunil to New atrrut, and lulo tho HoldKooin by tho b. ck ti.i. Thai ;a tlio wliolu tratiiaeti u. 1 um tuy aoiry It occurred, hut 1 Cuu d nota'.and the Intuit Had Hill man taken the inoilvyout of my pocket I could havo furclveu I1I111, or ifho had cotno 10 tne anil lul l me ho ttaa compelled tolite It and did use it, I conld Prat It; but to atialmy money, and then led 1110 J win i liar to tuy,tvaa entirely ton much lor too I nature, 1 tieter renlvcd one tint out of tuy sliaro of the money,w melt 11 t"-.iJ.Not tot II III or Von ll'IUII.Several prominent Detno.Tati liavo recentlyjophed to Mr. I'hirle O'l'onor fur a lejal opinion0.1 the power of the Lejltlaturo to remove MaiorHall. Tho Lieut Jurlat, havlu: examined all thecharter and law bearing on the tubject, la aald tohate replied that the I.riiieliitnro cannot remove thuI111.u111l.cnt of an ilcctivo oBlcu without abolieluaictno ofllco Iticlf. He I10I la, however, that tho Leclilaturo may limit tho power of the Mayor or delocute i'io loiiiuioii Council 10 peifurm aouio of thoutiei sow Vfattd In von O'ilall.Tlio Dnnrn of I lata llrnvr WrlarliH.The L'uitvJ Aiaoclalton of llcivy Men tlanccilut Irttns Halt 011 YeJndar cveulns. A lamopuitibrr of rpect.iton aiiemblrd, Prominent anioncthe cueit itereOtn. Ausuilui l'unk,, Copt. Htuinlitrill, J. W. Coruwell. Preildrnl of the II, II P.Hub, ind llrle lien King, a VM) pounder of Pitliton. The l.aavlcat limn 011 the lloor waa hainiifl V,Mctlraw. He welihi 313 pouudi. Too promenadercuiic wit furnlined by llratulla, and tlio dancetnualii by Wallace. The prolamine Included 21I daucei, and a uran l eupper.The .llurdrrtr or tho Turk I'mnlly.iNPiisiroLl, Jan. 19. A letlcr rcccivcil fromClark couuty nay tho murderer or the Park familyli now known, and that tlie iKiinat hltn Iiconclusive, He tvai one uf the most pruinlucut oftho lyncher, and waa piillcttlarly active In havingthe neeroea huoc. Other perBomi ire bellevd tohave been connected with tho murder, nnd a lullHiveatigillon will be Mi an loou ai (trill! gas bematte in i.ovihtasa oviit a a 1:3,r.xpplllnir III" diatom llnnao lli-rnhora of II rI. xl'liituic II 11 1 ffivlnu ho 111 n dinnerIn lli'ltirn-Tliii DI 1 1 1 I n Wlthdritrrn IromIbr Mnlti llonp-Vhr Alnb OtrrthrotvnNkw Otti.iAN-i, Jan. 10. Tlio llotno to-dnv,ntler Imvlrje elren more than a ivook'a notice to IliaCijatom lloum roemticra to rstutn to tlielr aeita, eipellcd Ihem, the vole belne toS. There vtas acondition that member returning within a cortalntime might hive the vole rccomldcrod In their favor. Tho C'ttalom House members of both llouaaihold dally caucuiel lu Marshal Packird'a office andthen adjoutn to II10 Coimopolltan Club roomi,tvlirro thoir ri pular ecssluns are held, They consider llio Prc'ldent'a dospatehoj to (Ien. Lnnj-y entirety In their favor, ami aro Incline! (o res ft d li isaction ni an Indiritlon of what they ahotitd do.The mllltli ami noil of the police aro nlthdrnvrnfrom tlio Malo Ilouae, and the (lovornor asiurc binIrlendi lliat the mob have elven up Itiflr htnei oforcrthrotvine the (lovernmont. It is stit'd thatthe C'uttom llouio arraueenient Willi the Democrathas not been carried out, and that contrquently theDemocrats propose lo act Independently,The 7fiiiitun has for the past tvo days advisedmembers to abandon all conspiracy aQilnit tno"tale Houso at Imlepeoitent men acl'.ne for the soodof the pcoptf. OiTrra ct money by the CustomHouse parly and Democrats to the Vt'arraotti monhate been declined, and the latter, with the tloveinor and llic rtralrhl It-pulllcmi stand byluni. propose lo It out on their lino If It takoiall winter.tnr. roumi.xM coi.t.iwi: MYttrnitY.Tnllt 11I1I1 .tlr. I'liffiMin llrnoal lit Inilltrlira ill I y Ifrprla nn) liiainiiiitlou AmllualIlia Slpplitllapr VVI10 la liar A-iniitu iVoiinje Kugcno Itcnost, tlio student at l'ortltiara College, whole rooms havo been ontcred several tlmo recently by supposed assasiln, called atTnr fi'N ofllco yrstcrJar, He said that he conld Inno way account for thcaa mysterious visit, nsdecrlbcd In Thursday's Sex. Ho entered St. John'Collecc, at l'drdhani, of his own free will, after havIne passed two years In the Ht. Louis t nlvoralty, andatlendad tcvtial other Inttllnllons of learuinc.Mr. Ittnost has recently returneil from Knrope. Inapcaklns of the nocturnal visits to his be Jslde, teaald that robbery conld not have been Ihe object, ashis valuable Jewelry, watch, and money were leltuntouched. Nt tthrr conl.l It pare been a chance Interloper, fact t at hl room la on tl e topftcor uud the list ono at the end of tho h ill.Mr. Ilenoai'a father dlrd In Cola about tlx yearsato. Ho had ajone there to Improve hi heallli. Mr.Jaruri Murrlii, ynunn nsnost'a stepfather and ctnrUlan, rait partn-r 01 the tider llenost. Ktigrr.aya ihit lilt partner knew more about his lather'sbuinrs than lio did hlmtelfIlls father lelt a fotton. ettlmalcd nt se veial millions. Intro ate aevtii or eight heirs to thomate.1'nr.ene apeaVs of his enardltn in the warmestterms of atopulhcr and utleetlou. He tays that tieh.a alwm trt.tu 1 the children with the "reitratktndnaa nnd conaideration. lie repels taitu Indta11 itton any inllmtltun that tin atcpfat .er may fedintcrealed In hit taking oD, and Is pained nnd mortified lliat anything polnlinR put way hit been putliilicl. Ktuene tt a rlsar-Iiesdtd yotin; mm, a broadshouldered blonde, tilth a keen eye and undoubte Inerve. Ho ti frank and confldtn: In his nature, andtttil do ail 111 his power to uararol the myttery.Ilrnrl llpnoat Drrlttiee tlio riin Itrport afllir Aiirmplfil .lluriliT Ihti True Hlorv.Tlie llev. Father Sltca nnd tlie College officialstold all inquirers yesterday that the assassinationstory was a college Joke. Kvtn Sergt. Steer, offlretnont billion, who went to the Coltego yostirdiy morning to lnvellxate, wn put off with thistlory, 1 ltd lie iubrqnently lol J a Sun reporter thatthe perron engaged In It had reported to lilm, buthe reiuaed to give their names. Tne Sun reporterthen called at tho College-tA was confronted by theItcv. Father Shea, wlic refund the reporter an In'Urvlew llH any ni the students. The reportervisited Clan Cottage, where, every allernoon, thestudent congrrcnto, but Mr. linker, the proprietor,said that none of the students bad been there duringIho day. In the afternoon the reporter Interceptedtwo student aa they were crossing tho Cullrzegrounds, hut when tpoke a to on tho subject of t. eaainsalualioii they smiled and s lid it wai a'.l a Joku.TDC TOl'NQ UEX St UUONIll UOttl.Later in iho allernoon a deapitclt cime to Hose neand I'enrl lltnoat Irom their mother in M. Louisordering Ii.cti to lean tie colli se tl once and gohome. Vt lieu Pie dispatch came I'.utjrce w.ia In NewY'ork. whither he bad betn sent by Father Shea tocontradict the report of tlai atlempton hli life. Tboactuate 1 'I ordure waa receive I by Henri, whopackeauplds own and his brother's trunks andlurtbttith look them to the depot lo await tt e irrlval of Ml brother. A Scs reporter haj an 'nterview Willi Henri, which al once set matters straight.Henri emphatically told tho reporter that it eat nota joke. Two, if not threo alien pi had been madeon the life ot hli brother, but the Facnlty wWied losquelch tliu truth for fear it should Injure the college. wan niNni rtra .tnorr ir.Iff rortr Do yon think the assasiln wn connected Willi the collie IHenri t know he 4i not. It was an outsider,for we tiackrd htm next morning down tho road.He rorti r How coul I a strvuter get Into the co'tar a w ben ll la goirded by one man and Ove doga ?Ilcnrl Tint la tl.e eiiical matter In tho world.The watchman lias i.lnely two acres of groun I toKu onr. He always cairies a lsntern, and the dogafollow him. A ptison can watch htm when he locito tbo farther end of luo field and slip lu. Accessto the bmldisK is ea.y.lleportor I liato suniht youtg Ahem lu vuln.Can jou tell tne.vthether ;the report of his alrucglow ilh tlio aaijiiiu waa correct fHenri It was I can asiuro yon Ahrrn does notregard It aa n Joke. It wn such a Joko as nrsrlycott luni his llfr. When he backed up agalhat Iheriior to prtveat tho ogres of the Intruder, a revolver fVtut placeit at lm head, and had he noti'ucicdand thrown up tho fellow's arm when he heard therink of the h.imuier. ha would have been killed. IIit ttta it Joko I think tue footer student are tnadoacquaint I with tl.e Met that Halt livts are iu danZ r lie better It will be for them.tiik attack at the nriii ATrsrs notrt..II P rtrr la II true that nn attrnipt waa tniile on)out broltitr'a lllu at tbo l'Hlb Avenue Hotel laitRununei 1 'Henri I can't ay that exiclly. Hut an attackw.t made on l.itu there of koine sort. Nihil Ihemul vo waa is me.o ciiiiccture.lleportor Have ton any iLeniles who would beIlKely to with to get you ur turnout uf tue way flliiifl I think wo lute atlt.i enemies.Ilepoitcr Do you Mtapect any one in particular Jlleuri I would 1 (.liter not aniwer that quittionWo found a hanukerchiel next luori.tli In tho )tirdtoy red with bloo I, which may be of tome, use intrnring the ti'oiindi ul,Hopurwr How do you account for blood belli;011 11lleuri The fellow nnit have cut Ids hinds withthe el-Jti broken out uf the nail door during tboaruflle with youuK Aucrn. 1 tell you, Ahem la aplticnv bo) .Keporter Was the report In this tnornlnk'a coirtct totslou of tho adttr fins H'n'h Accou.f r connrcr.Henri It was alt true with one excepllou. Theiiiiiuualiou waa made Ihut in) slep fathtr waaal thulinlltilil of tbo Job In gel Kugene out of tho way.Thla was Incorrect. 1 feel confident tint ho wouldnut lend limine If 10 any I ilngao tilt). He is agetnliiuian In etery scute of the word, and hu ilnaysbeen like a father to us.From farther conversation the reporter learnedthat tvliou Mr. llenotldlrd ho inula a will Willi thoI rot talon that In cato 1'iueii" dltd before he was ofnge I1I1 tiliiro of the property should go to nn outsider, but wuo that uutiider Is cauuot bo naccrt.tnud.Henri adrallt, however, that thoro Is a atep brotherolder than any of the llentut family. Html refinedtu aav whether lie or Uugeno ever had anr diOlcultywith htm, ilolh young men lelt last ulht for St.Louis.Another Third .Ivvtiue t'nr llolitinrr.J. lleilcnreck, it boy employed by Tictuati ACo., of 16 Park placi, wai robbed ol Jl.luo ycilerday morning in a Third avenuo car. Iledenreckhad been Intruiled with tho money to carry to Ihoresidence of one of the partner! Ill Hit Hi sttcot AtPioih street ho stepped 011 tho rear platform, uu unknown man juatled him, and at iho nino momenttook the luonoy from tho boy's rocket. T h rubberwaa pursued by the conductor and the boy, butescaped,Tlie 1'oatrr Appritl Postponed.Tlio appeal of Foster, convicted of llic murderof Air. Putnam Leioi tho Tctui bupretnoCourt, was called yoaterdsy. Judge Porter a aid thatho had boou uuable to mako proper preparation,and asked lor a postponement. The District Attot.noy opposed tho motion, is the next term would boiu April. The Com t irdeicd the cato lo be posttoned until tbo 10th of February, lo bo argued thenperemptorily11 11 rued lo Dentil In u Hotel,Ai.iusy, Jun. 19. Marly tlila morning tt liotol, at Hawe Cave, on the line of the Albant and tuliiehanna Itallroadi was burnol. II. llartbrldge, abuilder, and lit ward Kelly, a stone intiton, perished. One MrtJowm wl to badly burnod thai hoIs not cxpecled lv tm1U IaWiIHI !.THE STATE LKGISLM UllE..1 ricronr t on tiik ni'rnxnxT.s or111K VVSIOM iiovsk itixa.A Hlrtiffalri Tnr Iho llimcal Pnvnirnt of llinlllly'a lloiiril Dt-lila-.Nu Lliniiro lor IhoHill f.lvlim Coniptrollpr tJiron ulmoatAliaolulc I'otioriAhutNr, Jan. 19. The first ikirmitli liaj relulled In a victory for tho antl Custom llouae partyAi statod In iny despatch of yoUfrday, Hawkins'sbill lo protldo for the paying of certain c a,n.gainst tho clly of New York waa mado the occaslon of Ilia first trial of strength, and Iho it suitthou that although the majority li not large, yettho l'rntonltos aro In a majority when tbo moneybass of C10 Custom House and AdministrationInfluence nro not brought to hear. Mr. Jacobs presided In the Committee of the Whole, liu doubttbo Speaker called upon lilm, knowing that ai hewas a Democrat, and tho fight was no Inner I of bis,he would bo Impartial In his rulings should thonecessity arise. Long before the afsembllng ol theHouse Hie chamber was crowded with tnonbers anilethers, all talking about tho struggle which theyknew wis coming, lloth aides wore confident, thogallant Colonel aaaurlng everybody that ho shouldcertainly past Ids bill before tho Houso adjourned,Mr. Ttvombly, on tho other hand, was 'ronfldentthat bis substitute, as soon as il was read, woulddliirm nil oppoiltlon. II -t this was not tho causoof tlicll confidence. Lit nightBOTH SIDSt co us rmi no-is,and each had a majority pledged to tlielr respectivemeasure, but as In tlio csio of tlio election forSpeaker, when the vote canto to be taken on ordering Hawkins's bill to a third mailing, some nf thoseiioei'S were found on tho wrong aide of thofaco;but It was tho Cmtom Itonse party which this timetook a sip from that celebrated cup which Alvordlias several times put to tho Hps ot Ids Democraticcolleagues of last year. At no time Unco tho doouf the contest for tho Speakership hai tberobceasuch a busy night amonat the politician! In A'banyas last nlaht. The friends of the Comptroller andtl-.cai uf Van Nor: and Alderman Cochrane werelu) visiting tho ino-nbers at their rooms orLonnrixo in tue connn.on.1of Pic hotel. Ono great point attempted to be madeby the opponents of Vant Nort was that lio tra oneot the appointees of Mayor Hall, lint this proveda bad ono for the m when Ihe friends of that gentleman turned upon them with the reply that so wasComptroller Green an appointee of Hall's, and whatIs more, that ho was an out-ind out Democrat.Tbor claimed that he was only asking for this (teatpowtr to be put lu his banc's lo order that ho mUht boable to advance the Interests of tint party. In facttho name! of Democratic mttnben were g,ven towhom It was said Mr. (Ireen hid made this statement. Tins latter argument undo a marked Impreaalon upon that claas of Republicans who lelleve thatmc cnt.iTttT calauittthst coull befall the Slate wouhl he to tnve It trainpat! Into the Hand! of the Democrat, i'r.otuh tboaubituule of .Mr. Twomldy failed to bu adopted, vettho failure tn put Hawkins's bill on II tl.ird teaJtl.e laconcedod ai Indicating tho ttiblilute willprevail on -Monday, nt wnich time It lamado a special order. Hut should Ihe CustomIlontc gang I ut In an appoaranre be'ore thai timeaud Marshal bharpo's red bag be brought np heroagain, there ma) bo another cttaugo ol tronl.nut op cm no or the tight.Mr. Twombly In otlerlng his subilltnte said Itprovided for a Hoard ot Audit to adjudirito Ihnclaim again; tlio city and county of New Y. rk. Itwn tiinatautlally the same as tne bill agreed uponby the Uomu.llteo on cities In the Senile. It contalned the feature! of tho two bills he picsen'ed listFriday. On Jau. 1. It was found appropriation hadbeen exhausted and many trorknion were unpai 1.There w a a'an il.uijo.uoj bond due. and J.iaj,ialclaim were tiled againal the city. There, scorned lobe nothing to meet this emergency. There was abill Introduced early In tne aranon, bat it wasthoiig.1l to contain too much power II was ncceaeary, however to do something torsve the crtdlt ofthe city. 1 ho theory on which wo alarte I wa 10arrange a batl of aottletxeut on a day certain, andthen mako a tetnpurarv arrangement to rarry ou tneUor. rniueut until the lat or April. Tho urgency ofsome of tbee claims seem to call'for tperilt action.Hut it la charged that some of theae claims wereIrtululen'. and 11 wuDtTcniiiNtn to have t cmrrrr irtiir.The qtioallon wa. to what tribunal should theybe aubinitted II waa thought but ngnt tb it theHoard abould conil-t of the Prt-im nt of the lit ardf Aldermen, the Compttoller, Commis-lot , r ufPublic Wuras, pud PreslJent of tho par lumcitsluti. Ilia provisions of the bill Wire Irnmud byIho wleal and best lucn 01 .Net York, .mi ho w. asure in examination would trow that it containedull proper taleguard..Mr. Hawkins Imped tl.e substitute would not beadopted. He re (erred to tho condition of trie ctt)i.tul cuuntr treasury when the renin Cutnptrollirtook the position, anil said it w.i linpeiaiiv. Itnecessary lo provide the means railed fur. He detailed the claims now past due, nnd said hu tliougbtIt was proper to cnntitle the patment of the see aims.If fouud coriert. with the Comptroller. 'Hit iTtimithe original hill trotiJc for atnuui t to 1 joo (XX)Ai to a Hoard of Audit, ho called attention lo thefact that ono lloatd of Audit badM'lllITIII AWAT OVIlt SIX MILLIOXi,ard said that that board was competed t l a.milarlOclala as tne substitute provided lor. He ui osaid neither of these heads of departments had thetime In act as a member ot any Hoard of Audit.Mr. Alherger opposed tho substitute ctilrll. hecaue the cl'itmi irovided lor br tin original billweie prtaaiug and ahoutd be met. A tu the etherclaims ho would lo In favor of n Hoard uf AuditUu taould have audi a huard than mitt lu anv0110 man.Mr. Alvord clitmed that the original bill crept" Ia Hoard ol Audit, and lliat Hoard coiiisto I ol theI ruactit Comptroller, a man lie. I in mpli eatlmntiouIt la Hue, but ho It Cuutptrollci , and ho mat nol bvthe Comptiollir one day alter tho piasage of thlaact, and another very dilltrent sort uf man miyboll Hie poiltiou. A to the substitute, he said Itprovided ut a proper wayforotner c'lltns and demands. It proposed to do now what was necessary, etui lo leate to ua the wurk or making a cl urter under which the people can live and hive theirnllalr huneilly administered. Itwuull reltete uafrom lautit'hiug out another mid another bill forsimilar puipoiet. Ho tv.11 here lu advocate relutin. uud itquiro ever) man lo lu nraili etrn, brthe sweat of hi liruw, (ita daily Ineail. It I .mkedhero that the men whu hate aluud tu Ihe (rout ul leform ahall tuko ihtae atlaira in hand aud aelllutbuni.what a rr. 11 eh smith sun.Mr. H Smith said ho had hoped to have the counsel and advlcn of Mr T lldin iu this matter, aud liewas autry lu see thai ho was not hem. He na opposed to tlio substitute for the ro lion th it ho wasopposed to atf tnttrlm legWUtlon. Ihe bill provideslor the payiiii iil ul pnat ".iluriui tin. 1 by cinti-Kt,wnich riqune only n mathematical computation,I ho subait ute piuvides iilto lur future It iliilil.e.doubling tho um o 11 ut contemplated tiy tue bill Hotruttt'd that wo should conllnu otirnhea to thusomutters which wu ate obliged to tuttle. He thoiul.lthai thu question whether threo men ur one mailmould pais upon these clalnm wus iiiniiiport.tiitOne l.oucat man is as good as three hoiust mcu. Hewas for placing responsibility upon a man wlocould bo trusted, and holding htm leapuuiiblv.UU. TWOItnt-r KIl-LtlMtDthat his suballtute rovulcd for thepicscnt urgentclaims, and proceeded to siy that further pi'iiyisiuuis made for the aettlt'iiieiit uf other claims. In f tui t,It piutldei tor all claluia the original bill pin,deil lur. aud ulln ra betides. It al-o provided lura more speedy se ttlement of thu molt urgent claimsilh the subtiiule ttu can much sooner ttuth aDual ei'tilomi'iit.Messrs. Stiiihan, Judd, and ITanuner 01 posed thesubstitute. The Cummiitee then luau uud lepuitedpinmuaa on mutton uf Mr. Alvord, wl.u t-nd bowould move 10 mako il Iho special urder again ou.Monday iiiurnlug.In ll.u Homo Mr. Alberger mortd that the reportbe disagreed tu, and that tho bill boUltbkltkU TO A TlllltD REAP1NU.Mr Alvord ssld bo had made hli motion In goodlaith. Ho did not want lo see tl la bill rushedthrough hatiily, and thcreloro Uo(ed too bill wouldhe liken up tiguin,.Mr. Albtrger returled that the gent eman hadmoted lu leport progress, thus cutting oil Ihe dobale, Tho lact was theio waa cause lur I astu inthis matter. Thousands 01 poor people in NewY'ork uro rilling upon us fur ivltuf, and it was uurduty lo hear their appeal. This was a bill dimplyprutidtug for paling outstanding lialiilitn i ; Unitwe all there was ut It, and lie coul I not teo tholeaat connection it I Ui party politics lu Iho nutter.Mr Hawkins alio neither of theae billa pioti led'or tho future He would alter the parage, of thisbill make provision lur tho future by a Hoard urAudit, cbuslatltig of citizen of New Yoilc (experts), and not ono of the heads of tho deparlintiilato be a member of it, TTiote officials cauuot ditcharge this duty ; and he garo uutice if any billwere lulroituied here otjrau. zing a Hoard of Auditwith a iniklo head of a department In it, he wouldUpllOlli it.Afier further dlicunlon, Mr. filrahan movnt Ihoptorlous question, which wis ordered.Till Tksr VOTI.Tho question wis taken on ordering tho bill to athird reading, which was lost Ca' tu 51 ua tolloai:Ayci-Meim. Alberger. I). L. Ilinoock J. II. Ilihcock, Hadeau, lleokwltli, Hetty, llliriltt, l randall, lla.vlilion. I.aitman, hooa. Hummer. Pu ey. Kurd, (lelbUrinin. Hatglit. Ilouehton. Ilaakini. D II llin, lloitti'M, Uouthlvn, Ju ja, Ucuucdy, Ltwli, Lippiil, 0, l.vnco, MArcr. Morton Moaher. MnnttnnMica, iiagood. Paiee, Prince, Hire. Shepirdaon, Himinn, Smith Snydrr, I lie Hpcaker. Sin iiigfii'ctl.rttrihan,Toinnmna. A L. Van llusen, VVhubeck thlto Hoodward. Wyman. Ycouisns,S sya -Metara, Abbott, Aiken. Alvord, Hunne It, lllalr,J II Hrown Huell llurna, canmhell Cook, c n eiiman. Iiunphr. liiKeman. i:ir Kowicr. (loiinz. Iloaa,Oreen.llregorv. Hut. A f, liayt'S. He iley, llcirlo-.A Hill lloliirldfe. lliingerinrd, llnatel. .laetins. KlnxaUnd Hnapp. Mifillc., I. mc .In, (I II Lord. Loiigh.rsm. Markay, Moore, Moaely. Muidock. (, Prcatou, liny. Iloriie lfu". haje. Smilejr. nirer. Hqmre. 'I obey. Twin dy, YY. J. van, Vodder, Willi, Weit, and Vt'littakcr.Mr Alvord moved that the bill bo mute a sptelilorder for ttouday evening next, and the final toiebe taken at t) o'clock. Agreed to.who wane in tiik i.tinni'.Among tliois I noticed on Ihe floor during theprogress of tho debate weie Comptroller (Ireen,Deputy Comptroller Slotrs, Commissioner VanNort, ei'Sieakor llllchnun, Cul. John If. l'ellowi,Aldermen Cochrane and Uonnover, Chaiiucey M.Drrew, Mr. Wheeler, chairman of tho Albinv Comtnltlic n! tho Coramittro of sevenlr, Alchie llliss,Hani. Harris. Mr. Anbengcr. ci Fire CommissionerMartin, W Hrown, thief Decker. A D llirne.Ueorge O. Join, and many other 1, Tho Henatoraalio adjourned aflor a very abort session and catnedown stairs to listen to tho debato.CCRTAILIXO Till COIIPTROhhlin'a rOWEIU.The benate Committee on Cities reported tliocontractors' bill, with some amendment!, curtailingIhe poweri ol tho Comptroller in regard to the confirmation of nimatmrnti, It provides Tor two arbitrators, to bo appolnlod when complaint Is msdothat tho asacsamuul Is crronooui. 1 am lufurniodthat tho Conimllluo on Cities are not in lavor of thobill at reported.The cotav.nltlce of taxpayers on '.he lir.o of Thirdavenue, which 1 mentioned a lew dayt ago, hategono home, having accomplished their phi pom ofhaving tho assosainent for paving from I'unrteenthstreet to Four second street omitted, aa Um casewas cow belure tlio cuuits.SIXATOR TlgltA.SS'.l COS'ISTEXCr.Sen tor Tletnsnn Introduce d a bill to confT a crlain rliht uud title in Thomn McLelland by an oriilnstict! of iho Mayor and Commonalty nl N'twYork passed some yean ago, and which was repealed br subsequent Irgiatat.oii. H is that of Hiringhtm the right to run coaches Irom the Astor Houaoup Pro ul it ay to Fourteenth street, to Fourth avenue, to Twenty-third street, to Lexington avenueto its tormlnu. branching of at Forty second streetto tbo Urand Central Depot. Mr Tiemsnn probablydoes nol understand the rights conterred, or else hewould be more careful In presenting It. It Is nolconislent with his expressed idea of allowing NowY'ura to govern Itaelf and opposing special legls.litlon.macino arret il rm.icr.itix or coNDCcroas.Mr Herri of King has prepared a bill whichprovides thai alter tho fJrst of next Juno all conductors on city railroads shall br required to havea written commission si special policemen, and thatII ahall be their duty, In adtllllon to ttiitr dullos asconductor, to perform police duty while In chargeoftbelrrars; but they arc nol to bo allowed anyextra compensation fur tho performance uf eucnpolice duty.Thesamo gentleman will also Introduce a bill tosuppress siciblins. It require police reptalin upontellable Information being furnished tn tncra by anycitizen of iho cxlatenco rf policy or loiter) shop,or any place ot gambling whiteur, to servo withintwenty-four houis alter iho receipt of such in'orjiaHon a written notice on Ihe Isndlor 1 or lessee cf tliopremises of Iho fa Is alleged. Any police captainucclectlng to carry uut tne rotiiopa of the net isto ho removed, and ahall he inelUible to hold ail)Mate cr office fur three years after van i ix .1 -mnhlnu tlir Trnp nntl Trriilyliit theYVumnii valio Set II .iluiliiini' Curry olYuiiUi'r mul Juunllinn Y rurlf.Last August a woman calling herself Jl a J. 11111Caroy rented n house In an arl'locratic locality inYoukcrs. Tlio liou-o wss elegantly turulahej, amiMadame and her three daughters movo.l in. Theyoung ladles proved lo bo dashing belles, and attracted a good share of attention by their winningways and Inexhaustible wardrobe. Madamo becarroacquainted with a number of wealthy families, andbefute two months had passed she ha I given several magr.lllceut receptions. The old men weie delighted acd Ice young men were In icalasios.About six weeks ngn she bocim acquainted withMr. Jonathan Y". Scailes, an old gentleman withgrown-up children around hint, and posstsaed orwealth. Mr. Searlcs has of late been a constantllsiior. Ho took the young lidtea out riding, madeIticm presents, and acted more tho put of a fatiirrthan anything else. A few days ago Mr. Searleacalled about dusk at Madamo' house, and took aseat In Ihn draw-lug room un it arlleo beanie Hieyuungeit daughter, Amy, Madime facing Ihem, andthe three chatted plot aautly Tor several m.uute,Mad tino excused herself and loft the ro nn SI.ewaa absent about flip minute. Suddenly she butstIhe door open uud scrvamo I" Y'uu l.nar old tillutt. how dire) 011 attempt tooutrage my dauchteil" and prudurlnga revoittr ahuthre'ilenftf In shoot hln II he did not leite theho'if" lntintlv. 1 lie oilier daughters, schonlo 1 intliuir pail, rushed into the room and bogan pouringan itl.einii upou hi head. Mr. rear'cs stood hisground and denied the c large until the girl heraell,subbing, begged piolectiuti fiiim her sister S.einglt Mi a job. Mr. Sear'.es fled.About an hour afterward ho received a note fromMate Caret' slating that out ol reipft I for hli familytbo would not catiimcuco rittotnal proceedingag.ilnt uiiu, or expose luui, If he would cite herfin.oxj.Mr. Searlea returned the envelope with Ihe fallowing written on it :' I have $10,000 lying Idle and I will spend Hut sumin sending )uu 10 Ming btng 11 1 heir ant moie irom)ou. J. Y fchAlil.LS."That silenced her. and next day Madame and herdaughttra left town aud have not lie"lt heard fromsince. On ThtiMdiv the lurr.iitire was removed, andnow the house is deserted. Tim li the triiewuman lt'l.o flguiod In llorrlsinli n year ago In thetamo manner under tlie mine of Mine, Cla).Drniiirintlc Itrlnllii i:rciitlve Cnintnllti'iiTho Dxcctttitc Coiiiiiiiilct' of the DcmocrnlicItefonn Orgintxallon held 1 iiuelitig at Apollo Halllast evening for the purpose of teltctlng a day tohold primary l lections in the Asaimbly Ditrirla ofthrrit). Mr Win. II Wlckluin ( eriipii d the rha r.Mr. O'llrtcn stigceated that the Supervisor aelcctfrom their number two to uet aa in-pet-int. and l.utthe Ctialtin iu ol 1 he Kxeculitu t otnniitlee al poinlanolhtr. Carrit'dMr. Pu J. Wood moved thut all roti'tu of Iheelection be 1111 le ami veriili'd ny uaih I .unci.Mr Clintuu uiftotl Hut a conimitti.( ot acveu boappointt tl to t lati Ali.nin and ua ti.eir beat exeruuna to piotuutt- the pio.ifi! ut ,uth law relatingto tM oily it w ill seem lo Ihe C'lueus and tixI nyeri 11 radical, aearehiug, and thoruugh lelorui lamuuicipai cuterumeut. Adupled.Conaplrnry nttiiluol l'oil (llllei, Cli-rlt Hllrt.Mr. James J. litloy, a clerk in thu 1'oat Ollict-,accuted ot rmbezz lug a letter containing money. -vabo'ure Commissioner Hottt yualerdiy for exatn, nation. Hubert Kennedy, of Sl I'nii tivin 'e traillletl that hu suit Mr. liiliy lee. 11 letti r and put ituaide. tht'ii open and used nmr ot 0 le.ttir. nn iopen tie first letter, Irom winch he look nionuy.WitnfM s.ud that ho had steu Mr ftilu. otivlt lelti-iIn fore, and wateliot him In piiruaiii u ut ttialruclion Irom Ageut llaylor.The lio ut') of Ihu dcieut-u ta tint Itiley simp'.)openi d unentol lettor to sciiwhrlhei Ihey runtallied ciiculnrs or not, aud tha' tbo witness Knnuedy la Inlluebi'cd by spite in making the charge,whti'h.llia ttllegud, ia utterly filee. A Itrgo utiiiiher of Iho trienda of Httey wtre present 10 loatily tuIn good character, If necessary, uud evprossoil ihetilual unbounded laith In Ins Inuuceuce,A Cnliroriilii l.i k'l-liitol'i I) 1 1 r in 111 11 - IluApuloglpa IC 11 1 lie r 1 K 11 11 ITghl,San 1 it.tM'HC'i, Jan. 19. In the CaliforniiiI.'.i-latnrj yi stciday, Stnatot Fowler ilttpublic .luIn .1 debate sii'l ho wai lu doubt whether SenatorPiiulecaat win a loot or a Knnte Mr. IVnde-ast,on ll.o adjournment nf tnu Senaie, tctit eoinu fume'sto ilomind a lull retraction unit apology, or In easeof refsial, 10 demand a llzht. Hr Fuwlii'a rueiulidecided 111 lavor of a fell action uud upolu.-y, whichwas written out by Pendcgait's trn'ii'1, and it w isagieed thai Mr. Fowler wai to read It ut tli" openlug of tho Senate 111 tho innrunn.'. Tnu ullnrereated uiutli exciteinenl, bloo shed being anticipated.firriuitu If r lei rni Ccntrnl Cuiiiiiilttcr,l.aat fvining a meeting of dclcgntua ropt'-'ient-lagHie tit'imau H fmii eta, decided to nun.nuW Oiwald Oiteinloriti . Htlortu lleiuoerat lor Pri'iil,Sii'iamund Kautiiiann.lteiiiibliciii, Dat id II, Koulilt r,llrfurm Deuiui r it, and Henry tliusun, lte it' ileuti.fur Vice I retiiUnt Murcu lllti'tburtr, It j.nritill'iinocr it, Adulph tl. Dunn, Keptiblic ni, anu A Mpclait ut, Itt'inriu Dfiiiutra, raet'ii'tativ, aud Oa.arZulnkotli'r, Ittpublli an, I'leiauur.Tlio Hun l'l'iiiiclnco Cualiim IIuunc Tltlovr,Pan I'iiamtco, Jan. 19. Tlio tobacco Jealeraof ban Fraittlicu aro uniting tu demand ledrr lorthe alleged impoaillon 111 the Custom lluuae. Tikicumpialn that Ihe law alio us 11 apertots five centsler keg for their sertlcus tu hundliiig the tob ecoshipped here In buud from the (list, 11. stead of whichihoy l.avo been compelled tu pay twu thirds peicent per pound, thereby nettitu thai liiapeelui l,VOdto tl.tiuU a uauiilli lu excels of his legal litis..Sullivan, the Murderer, Hold to bo Insnne,Last night Lawrence Sullivan, cotivictod in tlioCourt of il Setaioni lor killmg Julio O'llrtt n,and sentenced to bu ImugiHl, was taka-u tu Ihe hlaloLunatic Asilutn al Auburn by Haputy sheriff Win11 rJluuldi, Uur. Hodman having, un the repprt of amallcil couiutitilvt. hU hltn tv be Imint,TIIE THIRD AY. JUNK HUN. S Jm ! 1.'oxi.r sr.rr.xrr.r.ionr Dr.rosiTORS : J I ','j'Aiit YusrjtiihA r, 1 t,Cnlllng In Ilu Police lo Put mil a fltnn svliai -J;. 'M i ni lor lila .llonry Ono lVraon llrntr loY 'Iiib O.TJ,()()l)-l 17 Depoallor Ailnillled.Tito most noticeable featuro at tlio Third Avontto Savings Bank yesterday wai ulraw. Long l' 1 jheloro daylight tlio steps wore corerel with straw IK 1which tho depositor, who eirao early In tho night 'ifbrought with them tokoep their feet warm, A man j! 'whom tho tivx roporter mot lator In tho morning, 'ftaaid that he took his position In Iho lino al 4 o'clock: .'jlin Iho morning. At that hour, ho aald, about forty 738 i'persons were conaregalod on Ihn step. Said ho ; 1119 '" When I got thojo thoy wcro silling oronnd ot, Jjiboards and boxns and trilng to koep warm. Finally 'Haaomo one brouajit thla straw, nnd that wis a grial tSlhelp. It wan spread about under our feet, and It pajsmado thing more comfortable.xiinxa a rt.Aci: run nt hotiikr. I-flt" I wu." continued tho man, " holding Iho place M(.formy mother, wno hu a deposit lu tho bank. lit1About 7 o'clock my Utile brother camo and took mr fAblare in tho line while I went to broikfasl. I got '(!back m aoon as I could and took my place again, ,.4fand held II until V o'clock, when my mother cimis lit'and took the place which l ha I saved for her." JKAtO o'clock lu the morning, by actual count, JgX,Ihero weto sixty nine In linn outtldn tlio hank. Thla itlfnumber gradually lncreael until Hi o'clock, whoaIho line oulsldo tho bank reiehed half way down Irjitho bluck ou Third avenuo and around In Twenty. .Tfl'sixth atreet nearly to Ino rear entianco of tho bank. rnfAl that hour the lines outslda numbered 101. Them Siwere ndmlttol by ticket Ki; admitted from the Kffront 01; making the total Intlde at 111 o'clock lit; illlnlde .mil oulUl'Ji aslltht falling off from the aV- JL,:tendnnre on Ihe previous day. iau"Thl thing is gout' lu last all winter, ain't Itf" ttjfliked a man outside a!it' Dun't know," paid another; "looks very muck Nit,like it now." dillA has hern stated, the number Inside at one Vlo'clock waa 117. There were admitted during thi !k;day 0, making 1M. At three o'clock 1. M. HckeU P(lwere issued to "I pcraon. which makes 71 person. W5paid In tho da). T tie &5 admitted lu the morning ijiiby ticket Ind til f ura bonks. There wero 0 rtlr itbooks paid alter tho ticket depositor were llulshod, ftwbicn nvikei Kit books paid dnrlug tho Ove hours, Nfau aver. .go uf nearly 'li books per hour. ilk ;AT Tlir CL091MJ HOUIt j'the rnatomary speech was o.iillled. Neither Mr. fS'i uthili uor Mr. Spencer uiuuutt'd tho rostrum. The v4ciinio of Ihn unuaiul niodialy I unknown. In A ,their iduco .Mr. Scimin ma to hli appcranco alone j'ol tho windows and quietly communicated tae In- fl ,telllgfince which has been so olten printed In Turn J,TSo-. ;if jT he man with the Arctic ovraloci, who was no ! (ticed In yesterdiy'a sus, appeared yesterday ns No, 1 1 ,31 In tho lino. Ho Is a tall gentleman, with a pleas- ))a ut, rubicund face, nnd perieclly while side whl- m'kera, Ho waa yesterday accompanied by his sister, ajfin very pleasant laJv ol ml I. Uu age. lletwoen them J.fthey bad tw cite bouk T hey brought i good slcad khIrateling bag. When No. 31 got oppoillo the paying W2Jteller ho planted lm bag on the desk. T hen hi WT,began to paa in his book and the payiuv toilet ljCbegan to pa but the money, 'ihero were pilot ot iff"It. As lat ns he got it he lucked It Into hu pockets. 'iyf.They were aoon lull. Then Le Vjffdioam packivo nts das. jjifIlls staler pined in her book Tne pleasant olfl Tgeniienian rnntinued to atull Iho bag. When they g'acut through iher had so milch In the baglhitther f?coul. I not mint it up. The lady took out her baud- iltkerchief uud tie J It about the ba;, which wai fairly fll'jiguplna with greenSack amounting to 3S0H0, an (.tethuar aald who wero near enougii lo tee. Hounds- lilfjm . n Dorali aent au officer home with the couplo to M1 ruled thorn illAbout 11 o'clock the Janitor hang up the tra tl. (iltlonil ticket atattng that thn bank was full. The TJticket yoaterdat wa u flue new one, dutibse tint &yformer air.,', and It looked a though it was undo to .fit,wear. From present Indications 11 will wear ouf jtjlout before tl o tuu due. vfort.Mox or a iioNgrcn max, JJ7o 'ht Ull or ol I fir sun. 11mu: In.i.kiig thai aumeofthe unforliiDito tlepoa- tliUna uf the Wii.d Aieoue Savings Hank may ho de ;lutle I into twa lowing the pull given ov a nioruinx jartJoiiriifl romrrmng the expeeiitiou ut the President Lful that Piink, 1 will relate w..nt I heard a eaanior or a J.!vllruidwav baua say. A fi tend of toe ciabier'a had a likturn uf money deposited in una singu'ariy managed Viefinancial concern t. li Third Avenue havings Hank), TTj,and came In ak mis mi ney man of New Vurk nilv rwa a, tn lia amtency. The rainier replied, !akt iifyour money nut. The hank ia not Bare: tint bad mi ;1veiiments," y"r ftoto jmWieo, 1 give Ihia.Ittiapeuilully. Mall. MOCk. ..Axoriiuit r.xn.osiox. nfTht' I'm uk Ciililiialnii ol tlio Prealdeul ol rtljIlu- llalhcl Stitiiitf llniilt, ilVcatcrday nllernuou a rumor began to circttlatf Iifon lie atreet thil tlio M.ark-1 Saving Hank, It MiNaaaau tlnct, wai Insolvent. T hen followed a iub Ajon the batik, lla officer, are W il lam Van Name, 'tlPr. tldcnt; Calvin L. Cioddanl and Peter Voorhls, PSJYb e Preaidtnts ; and Henry It Conkliu. Sectetiry. MWhen Ihe Sl'N repoiter entered the banking Uhouso the hands uf the rlork pointed tu two uiln ,tRutes past 3. Many dcpotilurs were them Inside le JSpost eta re una, reaching ftotn Iho teller's desk "jSnearly to the door. All weie paid promptly ou prei rjfsenting their bonk. On Ihu appearance of the re. S4porter Ihu cahh r, mlit.klug him lor ono uf tin Jydepositors, shouted : L.LSYou're loo late. air. Nobody cm be paid that tl tinot In tue line now." ly'Can 1 see tbo Prealdent," slid the Sun msn. If j"CertaliiH, air," aai I a puille clei k s he opened Ifii door lot ting to thu Inanle or the rat tnr, 1'hrouyh firagi aa door tie Directors' room waa viiole. lull IT:.were seated t ic four ociccra of tho bank, ttltli faces 'A'which belukeaud auneiy. Ihey were III earnest Ufconaultatlun, whlcli waa cut mrt by Hie following 71converfnioc betwetu Preaideut Vau Nama and tins ftsun reporter! t51111 Itrtf I'.KrOtllSlt KNI.tdllTKMNQ THE fllKSIIUVT, fMIlepurter Mr. Van N 1 ne, there I a report oil the .'street mil the Market lin k 1 nut auuml. ' jn'President la that so f 1 lute hoard uulhlug of It. SjiIlepurter I It Irue J 1 jlITcaidtnt Well, 1 cau'l say auytblngjuat now. filii porler Thtie la a run ou tho bank, Is there M'noil . Irs.Prealden' We'l. you kniwwe always payout t Migreal deal of money in Jaguar; aud July. 1'ney aj aluur Intnicft inoniha. ... SSllciiorli! Hut the Iniertil la tint due until to mnr 1low by tlm term ol your charier. Would )uu like atlf10 ait .intlhinc to thu public t vLI'm -nit nl-l tnai by-.not by. I mutt go lo lunclt ft'now ; hattn'l had anything since muiuiug. Cum VJaualn at I o'clock, and 1 may hat sumo alateinont, it;Kictiso me. Cijan ot'Tstnr.rt EsnnntEMS'ti tiik sun ittronirn. S4As tho Sun man waa supping out ol tho btitldnnc .71he encountered a goutlemun 111 Hie hallway. Tito. T4.5cunlienuti put h.a Inumu over In lelt aboulder, andpmiit iitif lo tin tniuk s.iil, "They iu about Gleaned It'out in tin re, nin'l lliey " fajfI! ' mi r Do )tni know anjthlng about 11 f tlK' tS ell, ti usee I'm t' e lrtl uu.alder that got wlnj hVjo tl" tiuik'a Lunilitluo, mid I tninu:e t lu draw myl. f Oojtni mu" lo aave it. I rather Hunk I do ',jknow tuiiiliiiiK iiliunl It : but I unit going lo gel vimy u.iiiio iu Lie papers. I'm eattlltd to gel tuylituiicy," rI (..11,'t want to print tour uaiat , rtplie I tho Suk 'nu n I only w nil tu 1 1.1 tip lm ion ul Una troutOil'. HOW (ltd tl It IllRl lle'il Ul I' I" St.' Vi-.l. 1 wou'tgive )uu any i.amea, but It cane td tu,ine 111 ilnll) titnii insitlii tiiei,.. a ir.en I 0' iitiiitt tY.w ho know who 01 the ufllcar came to uie uud told .Mtue lo pel 111) uiuiiey. 1 Oral iliew a chock lor ti". 'fiant pretenli'd it at the cuunitr. It was caahod ',-.prompllv. I then tlicw anoihrr cluck lor the lest, i ,tl t'i". and tunk it to Inn 1 nl k Hank lo tlcpolt. tVfIhe cielilor telilx'd to l..u Iho check, uud ujtuvd tmo to tot ui) tnuney as soon aa poaatble." . Itiik itsTti'Exrit or intt pauk iiixic iitnr.0T0L ,1T lieu, conttuued the depuailor, I uaine back Inina ( tUlld pleaf'lited t.te ct.r k It w.ia receltud. and a t;new check un the I'jrU Hank wus given mu. I took ,'that illicit back to the Par to deposit Tne of. (tfji'i-ra Ctuaulted ii long while. Hid fluahy ceitiflf't tlUio cheek 1 tlilnk un cuilaler! aeiurity. T hu ul 1 ,11 er ur the Paik arc diiiiih, mil m; mo 10 give any ,liiformiiliun on the surju t. .Al 1 o'clo. k tho reporter retur .ed to the Msrkel , ,llauk. The door wero locketl, hut alter teteral 'sharp raps he was admitted tnruugn Pie private on- ' iIraiitu. Prealdeul Van Nanm hid liul rettirnrdfrom hi lunch. Inside the cnalner ami clerl.a tier , 'busy adjuliug the iiay's a. count. Ualvin I. tloddnrd, one ul thu Vice Preanl "nl, aal near Una win. ,1tloiy fi'iitittng Naaaau .Ire. I, buily aliidjiog sundry rllegal doeuuienta, and (mm H ue 10 time tulimltting 'terlain clauses lu I lie Ihspecln 11 01 the casri.or. Itwaa iifjily S betore lilt ITtud. nt nppt.ired. Hoinuaullcd for a ii oiiiiiil allh Mr l,oiilird, the two .'afmean w line c) emg tue reporter, and ihtu appruacueJ, AHe aald :A I'hllSIIlIXT OWXIM! IT." Yi n are the youiu nini from 1 lit SUM t ." ," Yt. an," ! piled the "UN in in. , f"Well, I mil admit thil we are In littledull ull). ii hate betn cunaidcriiig whai to do iflUI IWU ('). " .... JII 1 itir-What ato the lla.bll.tloi of tho bank, V,Mi. V. i Ni"" 1 I,I re-iduit-l can't say exactly. Wo haven't had ,, tu make 11 statement jet. Wu will tlio it te ,you 111 two or three days. 'llepuftor-liive jou uo notion or Ihe numbsr tA). ii. dttinaitors II'risiduiil-Ouly generally. On the tint of tinmunih we owed about a million dollar. ,ltecorter And your assets it 1 that time were f 'President We liiuught a Utile oter tint amount, ,Hut 11 turns out now that aurne 01 our aecii.-luci )aro nut so valuable aa w a supputed them. We writ anuke a slaien-t'iit a auou aa po-tibie .Itepurtei Uo .v much uuiioy havo you pall octo day I ';ITeaidont I really can't siy. There hai btan nirun of un) account et, though.'I ho initiiulinii has 1 board of twenty il;ti(Hulet, CaipenUr it i)ialt t Hi atWiujt, 2ff7e9595c

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